The girls played ball. Chloe had her last year of tee ball and Finn had her first year of machine pitch. What a difference that machine makes....
Finn started the season cautious and timid and unable to make contact with the ball. By the end, she was getting hits and even got a home run!! I was so proud of how hard she worked to improve. I also started the season as a quiet spectator and ended the year a crazed softball mom. I might have yelled a few times too many but I never got sent to the car.
This little cutie pie turned 2 and following in the tradition of his sister, he visited the ER on his birthday. I'm really starting to dislike that family tradition.
This was his last picture before he turned 2! If you look carefully at the next one, you can see what caused the problem.
He got bit by something or came into contact with a stinging plant or ??? and had his whole arm turn red and streaky and he ran fever. After the hospital, a trip to his pediatrician, two shots and a long dose of antibiotics he was fine. What got him and caused it, we will never know.
The Saturday of J.B.'s birthday weekend we went to the zoo. It rained hard and was freezing cold. We managed to have fun in the parakeet exhibit though.
The next series of pictures is when Finn was clued in to her early birthday surprise. We were close enough to go pick it up and by her face you can tell she was so excited.
What was it she was going to get? Why a puppy of course!!!
J.B. the birthday boy models the newest trend in party hats.
I love this picture!!!!
The puppy who will forever be known as Hershey.
An Easter re do since not everyone was home or well when we had Easter weekend.
Chloe had her kindergarten program and was so cute.
The biggest of them all, turned 8 and I cannot believe she keeps growing up. It's happening way way too fast!
At her impromptu party at the gray house!