While still on Fall Break, we went to Build A Bear Workshop and you would have thought we gave the girls a million dollars. They really enjoyed it and we ended up with 6 critters- 2 dogs 3 bears and a bunny.
Chloe named her bunny "Daisy" and her bear "Diamond". Daisy wasn't all that original given the bunny's fur but Diamond threw me for a loop. I told her since her bear was covered in hearts maybe she should name it after something she loves. She said "okay, I will name it Diamond then". The girl knows what she loves and it all costs lots of money.
Finley named her dog "Brownie" and her bear "Creamy". We worked together to come up with names for Hutch and J.B.'s animals and finally settled on "Curly" the bear and "Shags" the dog.
I have a hilarious comedy bit involving the boys' animals that goes a little like this:
Hi my name is Curly Bear.
Hi my name is Shags The Dog.
I don't like dogs.
I don't like bears.
Then I pretend to make the growl before they fight each other. When you are a 2 year old boy this stuff is amazingly funny.

Hutch was not interested in helping stuff his bear so he just sat down and made faces.
The ceremony where the girls promised to take good care of their new friends.
J.B. meets his new friend "Shags"!