On Wednesday, we headed to the "Mechnical (Botanical) Gardens in Huntsville. It was a gray and rainy day but it worked out to our advantage. The place was pretty empty. They were having a scarecrow display that featured storybook characters and the kids loved them. One of their favorites that I did not get a picture of was "Mary Mary Not Quite Scary". She was a little creepy with the pretty maids in a row (small dolls impaled or maybe just glued to sticks).

Big Bad Wolf say helloe to Finn!

Charlotte's Web

A Mon Arch butterfly (yes I do know how to spell it but this is the way it sounds when Finn says it so from now on, it will be a Mon Arch).

Chloe and one of her favorites Rapunzel

A picture of a fish we took for the Daddy of our group

Loving the loft area in one of the treehouses they have on display.
My Three Monkeys
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