Hutch loved the food table at Chloe's party!

The cake

Wish time

Present time

Random Chloe Cuteness

Cowgirl Day at School for Yearbook Sale Kick off (Don't they look like the cutest cowgirls ever without hats? There was a bunch of needless drama about not having a hat, but when you are 6 it really matters.)

Yeehaw Chloe!

Her first self manicure with her new polish sets
J.B. turned 5 months old on Sunday. He is long and skinny still and has a hard time keeping his pants up. He smiles and laugh and is a joy to be around, some of the time. We love him anyway though.

P.S. Spellcheck wasn't working so if there is a mistake, sorry. I'll be back later with Chloe's Birthday day festivities.

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