Just as I pressed the shutter down, he started to tumble. No bald babies or little girls were harmed in the taking of this picture.

A safer way to ride in the wagon!

Love love love her!

Chloe missed out on most of the picture taking due to a finger injury. One bandage later she was all better.

Hutch has been fanatically trying out various modes of transportation available to him. He really hasn't gotten anywhere because he tends to travel in reverse.

At this point he was emphatically telling us he had no clue how to make the three wheeled thingamabob go.

The girls love to use their new dollhouse as a school and here is a representation of that very game. One was the girl class and one was the boy class.

This was the nurse's office. The turtle was being treated for an itchy shell with some cream and a little tlc.

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