Finley got her first report card and I was quite pleased with the report. All S's for my sweet smart girl. I recently had the opportunity to visit the pumpkin patch with all the kindergarten classes and boy did we have fun. Pictures of this will come later.
Chloe had her 4 year old checkup and was 39 inches tall leaving her just shy of the height limits of some of the Disney rides. Since I can't ride much either I guess we will be bench buddies. The Disney trip is inching ever closer and I am really starting to get excited.
I have my next appointment to check on Butterbean next week and should be able to hear the heartbeat on the doppler. That is always a reassuring sound and I can't wait to hear it.
Hutch is also becoming very destructive and terrible about tasting things he shouldn't. In one day he ate candle wax, an apple core, a raw potato, paper and a bunch of itty bitty toys. He is so quick and waits until my attention is diverted even slightly and shoves something in his mouth. I have perfected the finger sweep technique so he never swallows anything. That's good parenting right?

That is FANTASTIC parenting!!! Finger sweep is a must ... along with the rinsing of valuable things once they are pooped out!!! Hahah just kidding about that one ... NOPE we have NEVER had to do that ...... NOPE!!