Last week, we had a wonderful gift arrive. It was called a taste of Spring. We had warm days where we spent hours outside. We took walks and flew kites. There was chalk everywhere and bubbles aplenty. It was so very nice and makes me long for those days to arrive for real. Most everyone in the house is healthy right now except Coco. And if I was a betting woman, I'd wager $100 at least that she won't be the only one sick come Friday. This is the week of the copay. Monday Hutch had his 2 month checkup where he weighed in at 12lbs 1oz and was 24 1/4in. in length. I knew his thighs were getting chunky but I never knew they were that big. It makes me miss his chicken legs a little bit though. Tuesday, the girls had school and then it was off to the dentist for Jeremy and Chloe. Both did fine and there were no cavities to report. Today Finn and I went to the dentist while Chloe made a trip to the doctor. We did fine and had no cavities, she has strep throat. To hopefully spare the other two (especially Hutch) from getting it, Chloe is spending the night at the gray house. For the most part though, Chloe seems to be acting pretty normally and isn't letting it get her down. Without further ado here are a few pictures of what has been going on. I don't have a lot because I just haven't been picking the camera up much. Maybe I will when my new lens arrives in just a few more days.

Borrowing TeeTee's lipstick

Chloe's preferred method of foot covering

Chloe's turn to borrow the lipstick

Monday afternoon, the girls decide face painting was a good idea. Thank goodness they used washable markers.
Back up a little to last Friday when we were blessed with an awesome surprise. One of our neighbors brought us a gently used Fisher Price jumperoo. She had bought it for her grandson who has outgrown it and wanted to know if I would like it. I had planned on buying one for Hutch since none of the kids had had one and I always thought they looked like fun. We tried it out a few days later and as you can see he was really impressed.

A surefire way to get Hutch to sleep is to place him on your chest and gently bounce him up and down. We call it the "magic bounce". Apparently, the slight bounce of the jumperoo, is a little too close to the magic bounce. I don't know if Hutch will get much use out of this toy now, if it just makes him go to sleep.

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