Me: Chloe, zip your lips.
Chloe(while crying): My lips don't have a zipper.
Chloe: Can I have a piece of candy?
Me: No.
Chloe: I was talking to Daddy.
Valentine outfit #1--they wore to MDO for their party on 2/9

We are big fans of Snoopy in this house so when I saw these shirts, they were a must have for them.
On 2/10, we had a hugely busy day. We had to run to W-mart and grab some more decorating supplies for the banquet at church, get haircuts, take Chloe to dance, head to the church to finish decorating and be ready to celebrate love all by 5:30. Whew, I get tired just remembering it. These are Valentine's outfit #2 and pictures from the banquet. (P.S. My girls are mostly refusing to wear bows unless they are like Emma and those only stay in for 2.5 seconds so we have a lot of disheveled scraggly hair photos coming your way).

The next day I spent most of the day cutting out little bitty pieces of cardstock to help TeeTee with her bake sale goodies. She made burgers and fries to sell to help a coworker. Good cause for sure but boy did it make my fingers ache. Here are the finished products and a cheer for frosting.

Granddaddy's lapful
The next day was Friday the snow day and you have seen enough of that, right? On Saturday, we headed to Dothan a little later than we had planned but just in time for lunch at Chuck E. Cheese. We (JEREMY) broke in front of like 6 other families and we were seated quickly. He claims he didn't know since he had never been there but I think he was being shady. The pizza was okay but not great, the girls only wanted to slide, and we ended up with tons of tokens left over. I also came very close to being yakked on by some random girl. I was not happy about that. After we finished playing we headed to the mall for a carousel ride and some yummy cookies. Then it was back home to pick up Hutch from his day at the gray house.

And yes, I'm sure you can tell these pictures were not taken with my good camera.
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